Team Unitech is led by a group of technocrats who not only posses a vast knowledge of the real estate and construction sector, but also endeavour to constantly innovate creating more value for the company's stakeholders and homebuyers. Team Unitech is committed to being the first choice for Indians when it comes to fulfilling their dream of owning a home.

Mr. Ramesh Chandra
Chairman | Executive Non - Independent DirectorRamesh Chandra is a graduate in civil engineering from IIT Kharagpur with a masters degree in structural engineering from the University of South Hampton (UK). He was one of the founders of Unitech Group and has led it to become one of the top real estate companies in India. His immense knowledge in the real estate business and his sound technical acumen has earned him a reputation of being one of the brightest thought leaders in the real estate industry in India.

Mr. Ajay Chandra
Managing Director | Executive Non - Independent Director
Ajay Chandra has studied civil engineering from Cornell University, USA and completed his masters in business administration from University of North Carolina, USA. He joined Unitech in 2003 and has been the person behind its expansion to various geographies including Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai and to dierent verticals such as retail malls and amusement parks. A sports enthusiast, he also has a keen interest in building architecture and interiors.

Mr. Sanjay Chandra
Managing Director | Executive Non - Independent Director
Sanjay Chandra has studied business management from University of Massachusetts & Boston University. He joined Unitech as Head - Sales and Marketing in 2002 and became Managing Director of the company in 2005. He has been instrumental in creating and launching several marquee projects in NCR and in getting Unitech Corporate Parks listed on London Stock Exchange's AIM. He was also placed on the List of Young Global Leaders (YGL) by the World Economic Forum in Geneva in 2011.

Ms. Minoti Bahri
Director | Non - Executive Non - Independent
Founder Chairperson of 'Shikshantar', a Unitech School for learning, Minoti Bahri is a dynamic young entrepreneur. She is also the Managing Director of Unitech Country Club Limited and has been instrumental in the successfully running of its clubs in Gurgaon. Minoti is also a keen photographer and pursues active parallel interests in Indian classical dance (odissi), building and landscape design and poetry writing.

Mr. G. R. Ambwani
Director | Non - Executive Independent
G. R. Ambwani has done his B.Tech (Hons.) in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He had a rich experience in construction planning and management and has worked as Engineer-in-Chief with Municipal Corporation of Delhi and as a member of Planning Board, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

Mr. Sunil Rekhi
Director | Non - Executive Independent
Mr. Rekhi is a Chartered Accountant, 1992 batch having around two & a half decades of experience in the Corporate Sector at various level in Finance & Accounts department. He has worked with General Motors as CFO & Director and also with Renault Nissan Automotive as CFO.

Mr. Chanderkant Jain
Director | Non - Executive Independent
Mr. Jain is an industrial engineer based in Toronto and has financial & other interests in Real Estate in Toronto , Middle East and in India.

Maj Gen Virender Kumar Bhutani
AVSM, VSM (Retired)
Composition of the Board
The Company has an optimum combination of Executive and Non-Executive directors. The Company has an Executive Chairman. The Board of the Company consists of eight (8) Directors comprising of three (3) Executive Directors and Five (5) Non-Executive Directors out of which four (4) are Independent Directors.
Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors
Non-Executive Directors of the Company are entitled to the sitting fees for the meetings of the Board of Directors attended by them. Also, pursuant to the necessary approval of members, Non-Executive Independent Directors are being paid an annual Commission, within the ceiling specified under the Companies Act, 2013
Other provisions as to Board and Committees
The Board of Directors meets at least four times a year, with a maximum time gap of 120 days between any two consecutive meetings. The intervening period between two Board Meetings is within the maximum time gap as prescribed under Companies Act, 2013 and Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. All the relevant information, required to be placed before the Board of Directors as per Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement are duly considered and taken on record / approved by the Board. Further, the Board periodically reviews Compliance Reports in respect of laws and regulations applicable to the Company. None of the Directors on the Board is a member of more than 10 Committees or Chairman of more than 5 Committees (as specified in clause 49 of the Listing Agreement) across all Public Limited Companies in which he/she is a Director. The Company duly complies with various rules and regulations prescribed by the Stock Exchanges, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and other statutory authorities on all matters relating to capital markets, and no penalties orstrictures have been imposed on the Company in this regard
Code of Conduct for the Directors and senior management personnel
The Company has laid down a Code of Conduct ("Code") for all the Board members and senior management personnel of the Company. The Code is also posted on the website of the Company. All Board members and senior management personnel affirm their compliance with the Code on annual basis. A declaration to this effect, signed by the Managing Director of the Company, forms part of the Annual Report of the Company.